2nd International Conference on Aerogel Inspired Materials
University of the Basque Country
Institute for Polymer Materials – POLYMAT
San Sebastian, Spain
September 2023

the conference
Aerogel Inspired Materials has returned in 2023 in its second edition. It will have the same philosophy of the 1st edition: to bring together leading scientists and researchers to share their expertise and research results on all aspects of the emerging basic science, technology and applications of Aerogel-Inspired Materials. It will be an interdisciplinary forum for scientists, engineers, companies and practitioners to present their latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in all areas of Aerogels science.
Aerogels are known since 1931, still they exhibit some unique and unknown properties which have inspired the investigation of further compositions, forms, properties, and applications, as well as the design of related materials by simpler and more affordable preparation routes, such as freeze drying and ambient pressure drying.
Aerogel-like materials are becoming a new technological platform, important in areas such as drug delivery, energy materials, insulation, carbon and thermal management, air pollution and water remediation, catalysis, supercapacitors, thermoelectric materials, luminescence panels, aeronautics, ballistic materials.
Newcastle University, UK hosted the 1st Conference on Aerogel Inspired Materials in 2019. More than 58 participants from 12 countries attended the conference, among them renonwed scientist such as Prof. A. Venkateswara Rao, Prof. Anna Corrias, Prof. N. Mao, Dr. Stephen A Steiner III, Dr. Mihail P. Petkov and others, delivered plenary and keynote lectures.
Conference 2023
2nd International Conference on Aerogel Inspired Materials was held between September 27 and 29, 2023 in San Sebastian. The event was marked by excellent and inspiring invited talks, numerous high level oral and poster presentations and fruitful large discussions in friendly atmosphere.
Thanks to all participants and see you in two years in Boston for the 3rd International Conference on Aerogel Inspired Materials.